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 In Dental Care

Everyone wants a brighter smile. In fact, millions of people have pursued teeth whitening treatment, and millions more want to. Whiter teeth provide a confidence boost and show a level of professionalism that can elevate your personal and professional life. 

But how often should you whiten your teeth and what method should you choose? Keep reading to learn what dentists want you to know!

What Treatments Are Available

There are many treatment options available across different price points for teeth whitening. While there are many safe treatments available for anyone to buy at stores across the country, these treatments may not provide the significant smile enhancement you are hoping for.

Professional teeth whitening by a trained and certified professional provides the best outcome. On the first visit to Estrabillo Dental Group, your dentist will assess your teeth and recommend a treatment that can be done in as little as one visit!

So How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

The answer to this question will vary by person and treatment. With over-the-counter dental trays and treatments, for instance, the product may instruct you to follow a two-week plan that brightens your teeth for anywhere from 6 months to one year.

With a professional treatment, many dentists recommend doing this once a year, with touch-up work as needed. Your dentist may give you trays for some follow-up work at home to ensure that your teeth are as white as you want them to be. It’s important that you and your dentist communicate about your expectations.

The key is to stay away from excessive whitening (every day, for instance) because this can hurt the enamel on your teeth. Make sure that you understand the instructions associated with your whitening treatment. 

How To Keep Your Teeth Whiter After Treatment

Once you’ve had a whitening procedure, whether over-the-counter or with our dental team, there needs to be follow-up treatment. Those brighter teeth won’t last forever!

Between whitening procedures, you can make a difference. Yes, it is possible to stretch the benefits of professional teeth whitening! Aside from dental trays or follow-up appointments, changes to your habits can have a big impact.

Schedule regular cleanings with our dental team to maintain good oral health. And of course, brush and floss regularly.

Certain foods can help your smile, too. And avoid drinking too much coffee or wine to keep your smile whiter longer.

But do load up on fruits and vegetables since these foods help you produce saliva that will clear out harmful acids. One more good snacking choice to recommend: a slice of cheese or glass of milk can build tooth enamel.

The Bottom Line

How often should you whiten your teeth? The best answer is to talk with the team at Estrabillo Dental Group to determine the right plan for you. There’s no reason to feel dissatisfied with your smile!

With so many safe ways to enhance it, a brighter smile is just a visit away. Contact us to set up an appointment, and our dental team will help you get the whiter smile you deserve!

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